Welcome from the Principal

It is an absolute privilege to lead Weydon at this exciting and changing time. I am personally very proud to be the Principal of such a special school. I am looking forward to developing Weydon further over the coming years and ensuring that the school is the best 11-16 school in the country.

Weydon will always strive for outstanding academic attainment and personal wellbeing, for creating a supportive and inclusive community whilst also celebrating individual successes, and for a fulfilling education that endures long after the examination results have been published.

It is our responsibility to ensure that we prepare all the young people here for the global challenges that are in front of them.  It is our ambition that all our students will achieve the results required to access the top universities in the world.

Our Big Six are our core aims which will drive this ambition and ensure further success

·         Teaching and Learning is at the heart of everything we do

·         Ensuring that all students attain the best grades possible

·         Developing high performance leadership skills in our students

·         Setting the highest expectations and standards

·         Ensuring we offer world class enrichment

·         Belonging to a family called #teamweydon where we support and look after each other

The school is built on the foundations of core values which are friendship, character and leadership. An atmosphere is created that ensures students develop their intellectual curiosity and independence.

We are fortunate to be able to provide an outstanding learning environment and an exceptional extra-curricular programme which will stimulate the interests of all our students and staff.

Above all, Weydon is filled with a shared enthusiasm for learning and it is great fun!

I look forward to welcoming you to the school.

Mrs Jackie Sharman 
