Attendance / Punctuality / Absences

Students are to attend school every day unless they are unwell. There is a direct relationship between 100% attendance & academic performance.

Full day absences

There are times when students are not medically able to attend school and there are clear procedures to follow detailed below.

  • To report your child absent, please email absence on for EVERY day that your child is absent. Please email before 9.30am
  • Please ensure you include your child’s full name, tutor group and reason for absence. 
  • Please note that this is only for recording an absence and we are unable to respond to messages left in this inbox due to the sheer volume left each day. 
If you have not advised us of the absence, a text message will be sent to you regarding the whereabouts of your child. 
Upon the students’ return it is their responsibility to meet with all the subject teachers for the lessons they have missed, to ensure all lesson work and home study is completed. Work is not sent home during absent periods.
The school employs an Inclusion Officer to work with students and their families who are experiencing problems with school attendance.

Late arrivals to School

Should your child need to arrive late to school and miss morning registration due to an appointment please follow the process below.

  • To report your child late for school, please email and detail the approximate arrival time at school
  • Please ensure you include your child’s full name, tutor group and reason for absence. 
  • Please note that this is only for recording an absence or late arrival and we are unable to respond to messages left in this inbox due to the sheer volume left each day. 

A student who arrives late but before 09:00 will be marked as late, using the appropriate code L.

A student who arrives late but after 09:00 will be marked as absent, using the appropriate code U.


Students leaving the school site during the school day for an appointment

Should your child need to leave the school during the school day for an appointment they will need to be collected by a parent /or carer. Please do not email the absence line if your child will be attending morning registration.
If you wish your child to leave the site with an alternative adult (including older siblings) we will need confirmation from you via email prior to them leaving the site. Please send an email providing details of the appointment to
Once the student returns back to school, they should sign back into Student Reception so we are aware they are back in the building. 
Parents do not need to come back into school with the students if the above process is followed.
Request for leave of absence during term time
Schools can grant a leave of absence when a student needs to be absent from school with permission. All schools are expected to restrict leave of absences to the specific circumstances set out in regulation 11 of the School Attendance (Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations 2024.
These circumstances are:
•       Taking part in regulated performances or employment abroad
•       Attending an interview
•       Study leave
•       With the school’s approval, a temporary time limited part time timetable where times and dates have been agreed when the student will attend school as part of that timetable
A leave of absence is granted entirely at the Principal’s discretion. The Principal is also required to determine the number of school days a child can be away from school if leave is granted.
Where it is completely unavoidable to take your child out of school, please complete the Request for leave of absence in exceptional circumstance google form
The school will not authorise absences during term time and any such requests will be marked as 'unauthorised' on your child's record. 
Should you persist in taking your child out of school without approval, you may receive a penalty notice for failing to ensure your child is in regular attendance at school. Further information regarding penalty notices can be found on our penalty notice letter.
Students are expected to arrive on time to all tutor times and lessons. Where a student is marked late to registration and/or a lesson, a centralised detention will be arranged for the following school day.
Students feeling unwell during the school day

Should a student start to feel unwell during the school day, they need to report to the School Matron in the medical room at either break or lunchtime for assessment.

Students are requested not to contact home directly. Should a student choose to break this rule and contact you, their mobile phone will be confiscated as per our behaviour policy.

If a student is picked up from school without our internal assessment from the School Matron first, this will be recorded as an unauthorised absence. We will ensure that contact will be made quickly and efficiently for any child who is deemed too unwell to be in school.

We ask that you support us with this and request that you do not text or telephone your child during the school day.