Art and Photography

Mission Statement

  • To inspire a passion for and interest in art, craft & design
  • To be able to record observations and ideas visually using the elements of art
  • To make the visual arts accessible, inclusive and meaningful
  • To nurture critical and creative thinking, artistic expression, effective communication, problem solving, cultural awareness.
  • To develop an awareness and an appreciation of a range of art through the investigation and research of varied examples of art craft and design
  • To develop presentation through creative making and design.

Curriculum Intent

We believe that every child is an artist and that Art is many things, our curriculum aim is for students to feel and know this. We deliver a broad curriculum which will challenge, but also inspire and enable all children at Weydon to experience and enjoy success in art in key stage 3 and 4.  Our learning journey is designed to promote visual literacy while inspiring a life-long interest in creating and learning about art, craft and design.

Assessment at KS4 is based upon GCSE criteria. This information can be found through the examination boards.