Transition to Weydon

Primary Transition Year 6 into Year 7
We believe that a positive transition experience can set a child up to thrive and succeed at the next stage of their education. 
When students join us, they are starting what we hope will be an enjoyable and productive time at Weydon in which they will make lots of friends, take advantage of varied opportunities, and leave us having made excellent progress in learning and with many happy memories.
To make the transition to Weydon as smooth as possible, we work with you in the run-up the students joining.  We meet the children and their year 6 teachers at assemblies in the linked partner primary school; we invite parents and students to meet with us at the school; the children spend 2 whole days at Weydon early in July.
Transition continues once the students join us in September with a team building day at Avon Tyrrell early in the term.  Our pastoral team will keep in touch, and we will work to ensure your child becomes a happy and confident Weydon student. 
Summer Reading Challenge & Summer Holiday Sports Camps
Please see below:
SEND provision at secondary school is different to primary in terms of support and delivery and it is important that students are prepared for it to change.  Very rarely is it in the form of 1:1 support. 
Extra transition support can be provided for students with SEND.  This could be in the form of extra visits to Weydon and/or SEND staff visiting students in their primary school.  Some students will also be invited to attend ‘Getting to know you’ sessions with SEND staff as identified in agreement with primary and Weydon.
The Primary School provides data and information on each student, and we take advice from them with regards to the students who we invite to these extra SEND sessions.
In Year Transition to Weydon at all other times
Following the offer of a school place being sent, bespoke meeting are set up to meet with incoming students and their families to see the school and meet with the Progress and Achievement Leader for the relevant year group.
Should you have and further questions, please email Liz Crosby at or telephone 01252 900550 choosing option 2 for admissions.

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