Uniform & Equipment
Our uniform supplier is Brenda’s. They are a well-respected school wear supplier to over 40 schools in the area. Please check Brenda’s website for availability - see link below.
Brenda’s (http://www.brendas.co.uk)
Brenda's Parent Induction Presentation
Second hand uniform
If you are keen to explore if we hold any second hand items that may work for you, please either email schooluniform@weydonschool.surrey.sch.uk or complete the form using this link: https://forms.gle/wrHq3x3PW4XsCXyXA and one of the brilliant team of volunteers will contact you.
Uniform standards and expectations
Items for students to bring to school each day
- Reading Book
- A named pencil case to include a minimum of; 2 pens, 2 pencils, ruler, pencil sharpener, scissors, eraser, a highlighter, a green pen, a white board pen and full maths set to include; scientific calculator, compass and protractor
- iPad
- A named water bottle
- Their planner which is provided by Weydon School on the first day of term
- Books for the day’s lessons
Lost Property
Please ensure that any items of clothing and equipment that your child brings in to school are clearly labelled with your child’s name at all times. All lost property that is found in school will be returned to the student as soon as possible if it has been labelled. All un-named items will be stored in the Lost Property area at Student Services for a period of 6 weeks and all students are advised to look in Lost Property as soon as they have mislaid something. Please be aware that all un-named items will be stored in school for 6 weeks and after this time it will be recycled.
Labelling your items
If you haven’t purchased labelling supplies for your child(s) clothes and equipment please check out Stikins at www.stikins.co.uk. Stikins are a family-owned business which promote a school fundraising scheme through which the school receive a commission on every order placed which puts money into helping families in need. You can support the school by simply using code 25089 in the fundraiser’s number when ordering.