What is ‘Persistent Absence?’

If your child takes too much time off school they will become categorised as persistently absent (PA)
A student becomes a ‘persistent absentee’ (PA) when they miss 10% or more schooling across the school year for whatever reason. Absence at this level is doing considerable damage to any child’s educational prospects and we need parents/guardians/carers’ fullest support and cooperation to tackle this. Ten percent of absenteeism in the five years of secondary education is the equivalent of missing half a year of schooling. We monitor all absence thoroughly. Regular reports are shared with the PALS plus any other stakeholders, such as Key Stage Directors, SEND or Diamond team. Where appropriate the designated stakeholder will contact home and action plans or arrangements are put in place Legal sanctions.
How many days off will make your child a persistent absence student
Half term 1 3.5 days absence from September until October half term
Half term 1 - 2 7 days absence from September - Christmas
Half term 1 – 3 10 days absence from September - February
Half term 1 – 4 12.5 absence school from September - Easter
Half term 1 – 5 15.5 days absence from September - May
Half term 1 – 6 19 days absence over the entire academic year