Parent Advisory Council

  • What They Are: Informal groups of parents representing each year group at the school.
  • Role:
  • Act as the ‘voice’ of parents.
  • Work to support students in their learning.
  • Meet termly with the Principal to discuss areas of change, strengths, concerns, and help drive continuous improvement.
  • Meeting Topics:
  • Topics are voted on one week before the meeting.
  • If you’d like to raise something, please contact a member of the council at least two weeks before the meeting.

For More Information:


Meeting dates 2024/25:

  Lower school ( Year 7 and 8 ) Upper School ( Year 9, 10 and 11)
Autumn Term Thursday 14th November 5.00-6.00 pm Thursday 14th November 6.15-7.15 pm
Spring Term Tuesday 25th February 6.15-7.15 pm Tuesday 25th February 5.00-6.00 pm
Summer Term Tuesday 20th May 5.00-6.00 pm Tuesday 20th May 6.15-7.15 pm